
Campaign Issues on CRIME

Memphis has become renowned for being the 'Most Dangerous City in the U. S.' Applying a bandaid remedy to solve our crime problems has become a non-issue. Immediate measures must be implemented.

In the 1990s the 'Broken Window' strategy was issued by New York City Police Commissioner William Bratton and Mayor Rudy Giuliani. This strategy states that visible signs of crime, antisocial behavior, and civil disorder create an urban environment that encourages further crime and disorder, as well as serious crimes. Its purpose helped to create an atmosphere of order and lawfulness by improving policing methods that target minor crimes, such as vandalism, loitering, public drinking, and fare evasion.

Currently, Memphis' Justice Department is not prosecuting criminals to the satisfaction of the community, which is essential to remove our 'Most Dangerous City in the U.S.' status. Criminals are released quickly after arrests and are given low or no bail. This practice distresses our local residents and cautions tourists to hesitate even visiting Memphis. New business opportunities, as well, hesitate to come into an environment that will be a losing proposition for their company.

Memphis should:
1) Hold our police force to a high standard of professional conduct.
2) Restore monies the Democrats ripped away in their effort to defund the police.
3) Hold criminals and would-be criminals accountable.

Once I become a member of Congress, my main goal will be to address crime and provide officers indemnity at the federal level so they can perform their duties without ambulance lawyers bankrupting our city while protecting repeat criminals.

I am very cognizant of crime in Memphis. One of my grandsons was murdered over a girl by a criminal who picked up his casing after shooting him in the back before jumping into his vehicle. Even though there were witnesses, he was released shortly after the incident and has never paid for this crime.

These murders can be reduced if our police are allowed to do their jobs in order to bring safety and pride back to Memphis. I support our police. I hope and pray you will support me on election day.

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